Residential Development and Investment


Evan Allegretto

Evan Allegretto

Paula Benham-Parker

Paula Benham-Parker

Colin Bosa

Colin Bosa

Suky Cheema

Suky Cheema

Neil Chrystal

Neil Chrystal

Ian Gillespie

Ian Gillespie

Susana Goncalves

Susana Goncalves

Carla Guerrera

Carla Guerrera

Terry Hui

Terry Hui

Beau Jarvis

Beau Jarvis

Khelsilem Also known as Dustin Rivers

Khelsilem Also known as Dustin Rivers

Kevin Layden

Kevin Layden

Dennis Lopez

Dennis Lopez

David Negrin

David Negrin

David Podmore

David Podmore

Lorne Segal

Lorne Segal

Gary Segal

Gary Segal

Marcel Swain

Marcel Swain

BIV Newsletter

Providing local business news that is relevant, current and actionable.